Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Alice's 1st Birthday Party

It's hard to believe that Alice's birthday has come and gone and that my little girl is one! In some ways it went by really quickly, but in other ways it has seemed like she's been with us for forever. At her one year check-up, Alice weighed in at 18 pounds 12 ounces (14th percentile) and measured 30 1/2 inches (79th percentile). She surprises me every day with everything that she's doing. She loves to say "hi," "hello," "mama," "dada," "ball," "elmo," "no," and an occasional "baby." She gives fives, blows kisses, waves, claps, walks around with her tummy sticking out, and gets into trouble! Lately she holds everything up to her ear likes it's a phone and starts babbling.

We had a family birthday bash for Alice the day after her birthday, despite her being sick (I had to take her to the doctor on her actual birthday). We had kind of a Cafe Rio-esque dinner with cake. It was pretty low-key, but it was fun all the same. The following are pictures from the party:

unfortunately, they messed up her name on the cake
the adorable cake that my sister Emily made
the party table with decorations
the cousins with the pinata
Alice and me opening presents
the birthday banner I put together


  1. Both of those cakes are so cute! So is your little Alice.

  2. YAY!! You have a blog! I'm so glad I get to keep up with you and little Alice now. She's HUGE! Allen says hi!

  3. She is such a doll!!! I love my Alice!

  4. Doesn't time just fly? It looks like an adorable party you had! And you say you aren't crafty - look at that awesome banner!

  5. Alice is such a cutie.

    I love your brown hair by the way. It brings back some great memories of you, me, sis Timmerman's house, and a box of hair color! :)

    1. Oh dear. Except this time it was done by a professional and it didn't turn out gray! Good times, though. I always think it's a good thing that we had Elder Anderson as a DL because he was nice enough to let me go get it fixed.

    2. Haha! Good times indeed. Well not many people can pull of both blonde or brown but you can, it looks fabulous!
