Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Well, we are about 98% sure that we are having a baby girl! We went to the ultrasound Monday morning and it was quite the struggle! It was comforting to see that there's still someone inside of me and that she's growing normally, though. I always have these weird fears in the back of my mind that they'll do an ultrasound and the baby will look crazy or deformed or something. Anyway, little Alice was so naughty. She wouldn't hold still when the tech came in and she wasn't able to get the pictures that she wanted to get. She also refused to open her legs so we could make sure that she is, indeed, a girl. Luckily we saw the bottom of her butt cheeks. When the tech decided to throw in the towel, she sent the radiologist in to see if he could do better. Well, as soon as he came in, she decided that she did not want to move at all! He had me laying on my side, tried pushing really hard (right on my extremely full bladder, mind you) and even tried jabbing my stomach repeatedly to make her stir. If this is any indication of her personality, I already have a stubborn girl that is bound to give me trouble!

Lucky for us, the radiologist couldn't get all of the pictures of her brain that he wanted, so we get to go back at 22 weeks! Hopefully, we will be able to confirm that this really is our little Alice. Although Scott was initially bummed, I think he has grown rather attached to the idea of a little girl and we are both very excited! I can't wait to set up her nursery in our new apartment (we are officially moving in October) and get lots of cute little girl clothes. Pictures to come later!