Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Alice Lately

Some of Alice's favorites lately:

*unfortunately, watching TV
*taking baths (sometimes it's the only thing that can calm her down)
*playing with her "lamby"

*crying & "talking"
*eating, eating, eat
*getting her diaper changed(it never fails to make her smile)

*sleeping in her swing (unfortunately she likes her swing better than her crib)
*watching her hands and grabbing her feet
*pulling hair
*giggling when her daddy tickles her
*arching her back & scooting (she almost scooted right off of her swing the other day)

And now for the dislikes:
*sleeping (she has gotten a lot better since she got her PICC line out, though)
*tummy time (Want her to scream? Just put her on her tummy.)
*getting dressed
*getting boogies suctioned out of her nose
*lately, her binky
*wearing headbands (I still put them on her, though)
*getting in her carseat

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