Thursday, March 31, 2011

Our Little Nightmare

On February 22 at about 12:30 am, I took Alice into PCMC with a fever of almost 102 (Scott had a group project the next morning, so he stayed home to sleep). After taking urine and blood samples from my sweet 20-day-old baby (and finding them normal), they did a spinal tap. Thinking that she probably just had a virus, I was shocked to hear that she had meningitis. We were admitted that night (or morning, rather) and didn't leave until about a week later. Let me tell you, it wasn't fun.

They spent the entire week taking blood samples, growing cultures, pumping Alice full of several antibiotics, and performing more tests than I care to remember. The doctors were completely baffled as they later found out that she had bacterial meningitis caused by a staph infection and an abscess on her cerebellum. They discussed possible surgery to drain the abscess on her brain- including taking out a piece of her skull (they assured me it would grow back). Hearing all of this and much more scared us to death! The pediatrician told us that in 30 years, she had never seen such an infection in a 20-day-old.

Luckily, after a week of pure hell and 4 weeks of receiving antibiotics every 6 hours through her PICC line, Alice's abscess is completely gone. Her meninges are still inflamed, but things are looking up. The doctors don't envision any long-term effects. I am really hoping to be done with the PICC line next week, as it is seriously messing with both mine and Alice's sleep schedule. There were so many people praying for our little Alice and we were so grateful for that. I would also like to note that I am thankful for priesthood blessings and a husband who is ready and willing to administer them.

Alice sleeping peacefully
my sweet mom holding Alice (both sets of grandparents went above and beyond holding Alice for hours while I slept, bringing meals to us, and giving us our greatest support)
mommy & Alice
my poor baby hooked to electrodes, an IV, monitors, and with stickers on her cheeks to hold the oxygen mask in place


  1. I feel for you! Finn was taken to the hospital again after he was born....for a staph infection too. Pure hell, indeed. I've never cried so much in my life.

    She looks like a healthy bug now. I envy those skinny long legs of hers!
