Monday, April 11, 2011

Alice's Big Day

Yesterday, Alice was blessed by her dad. He gave a beautiful blessing and everything was perfect. It was so nice to see her in a pretty dress and no PICC line.
Her dress was a bit big, but you couldn't really tell.
We had to wake her up to go to the church, but she didn't seem to mind.
After being passed around from relative to relative though, she was a little grumpy.
She certainly loves her daddy.
And her mommy too.
And boy, do we love her!

We had a nice lunch afterward at my parents' house. Thanks to all who helped out. We feel so blessed to have such supportive friends and family. And we are so incredibly grateful to have a healthy, happy baby.


  1. So sad I missed the blessing. Glad it was a great day!

  2. abby! I'm so glad that she is so healthy and happy now. and I'm glad her picc line is gone and that you guys are all finished with that nightmare! she's super cute- and I don't say that about all babies, you know :)

  3. These pictures are SO cute of Alice! You look really great Abby! Your family is so cute. I'm glad that picc line is gone!!!
